How to Tell if a Japanese Girl Likes You
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How to tell if a Japanese girl likes you can be tricky, but fortunately, it is not impossible. There are many signs that indicate whether or not a girl finds you attractive, and they are all easy to spot. If you’re interested in dating a Japanese woman, then these tips will help you learn how to tell if she’s into you (and if she isn’t, then how to turn her on.) It’s really not that difficult!
First up, you need to make sure that the girl likes you before you attempt to talk to her. This means being prepared with a little chat, and maybe even eye contact. You can’t just say hello and strike up a conversation – this might come off as creepy, and you’ll look very unapproachable. When you are in fact trying to chat to a girl, you’ll want to look confident and self-assured first.
The next step in learning how to tell if a Japanese girl likes you is to pay attention to how she dresses. Most Japanese girls dress much more formally than westerners do – they will often wear modest clothes. Don’t be afraid to pay attention to how she dresses, because this alone can be enough to draw her attention.
Another good indicator of attraction is the way she talks to you. A Japanese girl will generally speak in a soft, smooth voice. She’ll probably ask shy questions, and try to build your trust by talking animatedly. Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself – even if you don’t have much Japanese knowledge to start with! Girls like it when guys can talk slowly and easily too.
You’ll also notice that she’ll likely try to put you at your ease. If you come across as too scary or too uptight, she’ll likely move on. On the other hand, if you come across as approachable, she’ll want to hang out more and longer.
Of course, there are plenty more subtle indicators of attraction between the two of you. One of the biggest is how well you listen to her. Japanese girls are known for being great listeners, so pay attention to how you react when she talks. If you make eye contact, you should smile or say something like “I love the way you say that.”
Try to talk with her using the Japanese language whenever possible. This way, you can gain more insight into what she’s actually thinking. If you know what she’s talking about when she tells you she likes something, it should be easy for you to make contact. The more you use the language, the better you will become at it.
The final, and probably most important sign that reveals how to tell if a Japanese girl likes you is how much she looks at you. The great thing about Japanese girls is that they aren’t afraid to look attentively in the eyes. When you’re with a Japanese girl, pay attention to how she holds her gaze. If she glares at you, she is attracted to you. If she squints at you, she is repulsed by you – plain and simple.
It’s also very common for a Japanese girl to reach out and touch you when you are speaking. This can either be a subtle or very obvious gesture. It all depends on how you act. If you come across as too pushy or trying too hard to impress her, she’ll run in the other direction. However, if you are too gentle or too sweet, she’ll likely reach out and touch you again. Learning how to read a girl’s body language is the key to learning how to tell if she likes you.
What if you are just standing there looking at her and she reaches out her hand to shake yours? That’s a definite sign that she’s interested in you. When you hold hands in Japan, it’s common for both parties to hold theirs for a few seconds before breaking it. She’ll do this to show her affection for you, or to say that she’s glad that you came to visit her.
She’ll also do this more than once. You’ll begin to notice small twitches and movements that indicate that she wants to give you a hug or kiss. Touch her hand or arm and feel her reaction. If she instantly feels that you’re attracted to her, then you know she’s attracted to you as well.