Thai Flirting Phrases

Alex Harvey
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It’s widely known that there are many different flirting phrases men and women use. However, not everything that you may encounter is suited to you or your intentions. Knowing what you want will help guide you on the proper path to getting what you want. Understanding men’s flirting isn’t much different than understanding women’s flirting. In fact, many men are unaware of the basics of flirting for themselves or for other women.

Men and women tend to flirt differently, especially when it comes to body language. Knowing the tips can help you better understand what’s happening around you. While you shouldn’t expect to have any more insight into men’s thoughts, you can gain some insight into women’s flirting, especially when you’re with them. Knowing how they make eye contact and which one she finds more attractive will give you a good head start on the game.

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You’ll notice that men and women tend to say things in a different way when they’re flirting with each other. For example, you’ll notice that most women will hold their breath when they laugh. If you know the right words to say, then you can start to let her know that you’re interested in her without her breathing too heavily all of the time.

When you hear someone make an observation about men or women, pay close attention.  Then, take note of the way that they respond to this information. Thai flirting phrases are very helpful in letting you know what’s going on. Most women love men that are interested in them, so taking notes about what they say is a great way to start. You can get a lot of information from simply observing the way that they respond to certain things.

thai girl

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Don’t be afraid to let the woman know about your thoughts if she asks. You don’t have to hold everything back if you don’t want to. However, you do have to make sure that you’re not coming on too strong. Too many men will become defensive and think that they have to resort to behavior that they don’t really approve of in order to please their women.

If you can, try to find common ground with the woman that you’re interested in. This doesn’t mean that you should agree with everything she says or even like her as a person. However, you should know where she stands in the relationship. You’ll be able to tell a lot by simply observing how she responds to the things that you say.

Thai flirting phrases can also help you when you’re talking to women that you don’t know very well. There are some situations where you’ll want to be casually friendly with a girl that you met at a club. These are women that you probably know very little about, but you still need to be confident enough to make a move.

Don’t be afraid to be yourself and have fun. If you can get past the stage of being intimidated and rude, you can start developing strong feelings for women. Don’t be afraid to let your true self shine through because that’s what will get you the results that you want.

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Thai men can be quite funny sometimes. Women love when they can have a good man. They’ll want to see a man who can be themselves, laugh with them, and be unafraid of slipping into their sexuality. If you show that you’re comfortable with your sexuality and you can enjoy it, then this is a woman you’ll want to pursue. You’ll never know if she’ll feel the same way about you if you don’t try it. Be yourself and just have fun.

Another one of the best Thai flirting phrases is to be confident with the women that you’re with. If you come across as too needy or desperate, you’ll turn women off. Being cocky or showing signs of vulnerability will only make you look like a fool. Women can tell when you’re insecure so just work on being confident and letting yourself go a bit.

When you’re with a Thai woman, you’ll want to remember that they are used to men taking the lead. They don’t really expect you to do anything unless you express your interest in them. You should never feel pressured to give up control of the situation. A lot of women get too defensive and start asking too many questions when they first meet Thai men. Thai women are accustomed to guys who are not very talkative. So just relax and let her talk about herself and her family.

Chief Editor
Alex Harvey
Having a 15-year experience of working as a relationship coach and dating expert in Asia, Alex knows how to draw the attention of Asian women. During his career, he managed to unite over 200 couples and gather a team of dating experts whom you can meet below.
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